10 Jul


The Russian twist is a simple abdominal exercise for working the core, shoulders, and hips. It is typically performed in repetitive sets and tones the core muscles via a twisting motion focused around the abdomen. The exercise can help build strength in the upper torso, which may help in sports such as tennis, swimming, baseball, track & field, hockey, golf, lacrosse, or boxing. Additionally, there are many variations of the Russian twist that can be used to intensify a workout routine. Russian twists strengthen your core, obliques, and spine. "It’s a total core exercise that also works your balance, builds stability in your spine, and trims your mid-section all at once. Now consider the movements you make during your workouts and how many of them are parallel to this line. It’s probably most of them – from classic bodyweight moves like lunges and squats to free weight exercises like presses and curls. Then, when you do mix it up, the chances are you’ll start moving laterally, with side lunges or skater jumps. These are movements done in the frontal plane. The slower one moves the arms from side to side, the harder the exercise becomes, working the abdomen that much better. When moving one's arms during the exercise, it is crucial to not stop between repetitions or else one will lose the effect of working the abdomen. As with all exercise, consistent breathing in and out during the exercise is important as one must ensure proper oxygen flow.


Rectify that by doing the Russian twist, which works in the transverse plane and strengthens muscles that you might be missing with your straight-up-and-down crunches and sit-ups, such as the obliques. Regular Russian twisting can also help improve your posture and if you’re about to take up kayaking or canoeing with a vengeance, there is no better core exercise to prepare for life with a paddle. The Russian twist engages your core and strengthens your abdominal muscles as well as your lower back. This exercise helps to tone and tighten your abs and obliques and to trim your waist. The Russian twist also helps to improve your balance, stability, and posture. If the standard version of the Russian twist is proving too tricky, then you can rest your feet on the ground to make it substantially easier. Ideally you should start with your feet off the ground, knowing that you can always put them down during the set if you’re struggling to complete your reps with good form. Russian twists are vital to achieving a flat stomach or "six pack." They also are beneficial to athletes who participate in sports that require explosive upper body movement, such as baseball, boxing, golf and hockey.  먹튀검증디비

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